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4:02 a.m. - 2013-10-01
When your friend is an ass
Well I think my relationship as a friendship even with Richard is done. The highs wete wonderful the lows after he left have been really bad. He had his sister talk to me telling me this is how he is, etc. all here and present when he is here and cut off when he is gone. He couldn't even tell me that he got his bike to cycle from Holland to home. That said he sent his sister a photo.... Thanks :(. I have ended up in tears every day since the day befor he left and it seems to have bottomed me right out. When he was here he talked about me with some farmer who I don't even know and they came back with some negative comments. It was so nice if him to tell me asshole. Then he comes back saying oh I fixed it they think your fine now. REALLY!! Anyways he improved some and connected with me well after he left I told him via email some of how I felt about him. Big big mistake. He is now no longer acceptingy emails and blocked me. I think he has done this before now on this trip. No talking about how he actually feels either way. No nothing. Anything he was sending after I told him was facts and very brief. He is a bachelor so he says (indirectly and his sister states it very directly) so whatever go live your life but finally if you can't talk to me to settle things and you think cut offs are healthy then keep going. My last husband did this all the time shutting down and purposely shutting me out and I am not going there with some guy I barely even know. You won't keep me as a friend period. I was trying to go back to talking about normal stuff when he pulled this and he has no clue he won't be recievimg the emails. His sister said he has enough problems to deal with through work (which he does) and his biking trip will soon be over and he will be home again from what he said it should be today. I had been really enjoying his story of his trip as I never go anywhere but it was hard at first when he left. He and his sister have talked via email and she must have reported back to him because now it is a total cut off. I emailed him though Steve's email about his emails bouncing and surprise he had gotten them in fact he got all the shirt ones sent through Steve's. in short FUCK OFF.


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